Bidirectional DC Power Supply | Cabinet Type | Photovoltaic Simulator

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Bidirectional DC Power Supply | Cabinet Type | Photovoltaic Simulator

High Power Photovoltaic Simulator

Product Details

The APS photovoltaic simulator is a precision DC power supply from ActionPower featuring high precision, high dynamics and high-speed switching capabilities. With the complete I-V curve simulation function, the solar PV simulator is allowed to simulate solar panel output characteristics, providing user-defined curves, static and dynamic I-V curves, and shadow occlusion simulations. The programming function of the solar panel simulator can simulate different waveform outputs through three programming modes like Step, List and Wave, in order to fulfill the test requirements of various industries.

With the standard curves for testing static and dynamic MPPT, such as the built-in sandia, EN50530 and CGC/GF004, the PV solar simulator APS supports customized curve simulation and can be called with one click. The bidirectional programmable DC power supply can take advantage of the curve programming function, where multiple curves can be imported in a customized manner and automatically executed in sequence. Even more powerful is that the bi-directional DC source can simulate real-world scenarios, such as a battery module being obscured by clouds or dirt with the shadow occlusion simulation function.

In practice, the solar array simulator can be used to simulate I-V curves using parameters such as voc, Isc and fill factor, or to generate I-V curves by importing files in CSV format. The APS’s simulation of solar PV systems is universal. Simulation of monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous and other solar cell characteristics can be achieved.



Single-unit capacity: ±100 to ±1000 kW





Market Advantage:

- Comprehensive product models, extensive coverage, leading market share in segmented fields.

- Leading domestically in large-capacity MW-level grid simulation sources and bi-directional AC/DC simulation sources.


Performance Advantages:

- High power, high precision, high power density, high reliability, and dynamic response.


Core Technologies:

- Power electronics control and simulation technology.

- High-speed parallel processing of software and hardware.

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